Business Audit

Trusted to conduct business audit to secure a successful business

Many business owners dread the auditing process, but this isn’t something to fear. We provide 100% successful auditing of your business that can help you avoid financial mistakes and mishaps that would otherwise go unnoticed and unsolved.

Digital Consulting Agency’s Auditors are here to help you and your business to thrive and do better. An annual audit can save your business money and help to mitigate financial errors from occurring.

Benefits of conducting a business audit

Increase Profitability

DCA Detect productivity blockers such as employee theft, potential fraud risks, and any inefficiencies. By addressing these issues, you will improve profitability.

Ensure Compliance With Policies and Regulations

We make sure your company’s practices and financial statements meet accounting standards to avoid any legal implications using cloud accounting softwares.

Improve Effectiveness

We will spot and correct financial issues early, and discover opportunities to make your business more effective.

Increase Credibility to Investors and Lenders

Audited financial statements make you look more reliable and trustworthy to potential lenders and investors.

How we prepare your business for auditing process

Preparing for an external audit is slightly more work than an internal audit. But with Digital Consulting Agency’s experienced professionals we make the process more simple and effective than it seem.


Firstly we appoint someone in the relevant team to be a main person of contact for the business audit process, and we request for a point of contact person from your business (preferably and internal auditor) who will be responsible for direct communication. This ensures that the process runs smoothly and reduces the chance of miscommunication.


Next, we create an internal audit plan that list all the tasks that need to be completed during the agreed period. This list will be prepared with the internal auditor and reviewed by management before it’s signed off. You may also receive requests for additional documentation that could be used as supporting evidence on certain transactions in question.


We will Keep a personal record of all the documents and details you provide to the auditor, as this will help us and the business to stay organized and maintain a good understanding of what’s being evaluated.


Accounting standards and regulations change every year, so we make sure your accounting team is up to date on them. This will save your team time, as they won’t have to update current records to comply with regulations.

The auditors approach during the process

During the audit process, the our auditors will thoroughly analyze all the elements quoted in audit list. This review will involve checking the accuracy of these records and whether they have been prepared in alignment with the generally accepted principles. This process will particularly involve a team work with attention to particular details on the business or brand.


The auditor will evaluate whether your financial statements correctly represent your company’s financial position. This process requires the auditor to go through your company’s records and find out how they were used to create each financial statement. They will then recreate these statements to see if they were correctly created.


The auditor will also compare your company’s records to others within the same industry to try and spot any differences or inconsistencies. At the end of the audit, the auditor will prepare and deliver their report to your business. It will include any discrepancies found in your financial reporting and any non-compliance with rules and regulations relevant to your business.